Thursday, November 14, 2013

We have a heartbeat!

Finally, gratefully made it to our ultrasound today. My bladder was about to burst as the tech put the wand on my stomach. She said there was something there, but it was too tiny to see. I emptied my bladder and out came the wand. I didn't move, or breathe, or allow myself to open my eyes.

"And there's baby," she said.

"Is there a heartbeat?" I asked.

"Yes, there it is."

And I finally opened my eyes. I saw that little flicker of life, and I allowed myself to breathe again.

The heartbeat was 115, which I understand is on the low side but still within normal range. I measured 7 weeks 3 days, with a due date of June 30.

It was a frustrating day with lots of challenges, and I have some other health issues I'm dealing with, but I'll fill in about those later.

For now, I am allowing myself to relax a bit and feel joy. E, Mr M and I are going to go grab some Mexican food tonight to celebrate.

1 comment:

  1. Hello from one Miss C to another! I just wanted to tell you that I am holding out real hope for you and I pray that this little bugger stays put and grows strong. I know how nerve-wracking it can be to wait and see.
    Here's to a sibling for your first. :)
